We’ve come a long way, and guess what? We couldn’t have done it without YOU! Our supporters, our cherished family, our ride-or-die friends, and our loyal customers – you’re the wind in our sails, the paddle in our kayak, and the spark that lights up our Redline Vibe. As we pen down these words, we want each and every one of you to know – we owe it all to you, and we appreciate you more than words can convey!

In the heart of Mesa, with a pair of kayaks snagged from OfferUp, our adventure began. It was more than a startup; it was a dream surfed on the waves of passion. From those humble beginnings, we rode the currents to become the leaders in the Arizona paddle scene. Our journey from the backyard has been nothing short of epic, and you were there every paddle stroke of the way.

Specializing in fishing kayaks, recreation kayaks, and paddleboards, we’re not just a shop; we’re a kaleidoscope of aquatic adventures. As we expanded, we introduced e-bikes and floating trampolines to cater to the diverse interests of our growing community. We’re not just a shop; we’re a hub for fun and good vibes. We’re immensely grateful for the opportunity to be part of the community.

Over the years, we’ve witnessed a surge in the interest and passion for kayaking and paddleboarding in the Phoenix/Mesa metropolitan area. We take pride in contributing to this flourishing community and helping make water activities accessible and affordable. Our goal has always been to build a love and respect for the water, and the increasing enthusiasm we’ve observed assures us that we’re on the right path.

To our incredible customers, fierce supporters, and beloved family and friends, we send you tidal waves of gratitude. You’ve been our anchors, keeping us steady through choppy waters. From the backyard to the shop your unwavering support has been our secret sauce.

The Redline Crew is a family, a team, a community that knows how to ride the waves of life. “Cause it’s a Redline Vibe, and You Know How we do it.” We rent fun – not just kayaks and paddleboards but a lifestyle! It’s not just about the business; it’s about the laughs, the adventures, and the unmistakable Redline Vibe that each of you brings to the party.

As we express our gratitude, we want you to know that this isn’t just a business page; it’s a love letter to everyone who made the Redline Vibe what it is today. Thank you for being a part of our story, and we can’t wait for the chapters yet to unfold – more laughter, more adventures, and more of that infectious Redline Vibe!